Clinical study on rectal administration of controlled-release tablet of morphine hydrochloride in the treatment of cancer pain 盐酸吗啡缓释片经直肠给药治疗癌性疼痛的临床研究
The Study on Distal Spread of Rectal Cancer and Cytokeratin Staining; "U.S. administration is an extremist and war-mongering", he said. 检测直肠腺癌远端播散及细胞角蛋白的临床意义他说:「美国政府走上极端主义,而且到处散播战争。」
Timed Enema for Improving Analgesia Effect of Rectal Administration for the Elderly Cancer Patients 定时灌肠提高老年癌痛患者直肠给药镇痛效果
Effect of Rectal Administration of Herbs with Actions of Clearing Heat, Draining Dampness, and Removing Blood Stasis on Local Immune Function of Chronic Prostatitis Patients 清热利湿祛瘀中药经直肠给药对慢性前列腺炎患者局部免疫功能的影响
Herbal suppository by rectal administration proves to be a good cure for endometriosis. 栓剂直肠给药是治疗子宫内膜异位症的有效方法和途径。
Rectal administration provides rapid absorption of many drugs and may be an easy alternative way to the intravenous route, having the advantage of being relatively painless. 直肠给药制剂具有快速吸收,无痛等优点,有时可作为静脉给药的替代和补充。
Objective To observe the efficacy of indomethacin in treating postoperative pain of urologic system Methods 46 patients suffering from postoperative pain of urologic system were treated with rectal administration of indomethacin. 目的:观察消炎病栓时泌尿系术后镇痛的疗效。方法:对46例手术后疼痛患者,消炎痛栓直肠内给药。
The Boat Test rectal administration Stimulation experiment and clinical observation of tramadol hydrochloride mucilages 盐酸曲马多胶浆剂大鼠直肠刺激试验及临床观察
Study on pharmaceutical membrane for rectal administration 直肠用药膜的实验研究
Rectal administration Vaginal delivery after ileal pouch-anal anastomosis: A word of caution 回肠袋-直肠吻合术后的阴道分娩:一个警示
Twenty healthy rats were divided into two groups randomly for the toxic reaction after rectal administration of drugs. 大鼠20只,随机分为2组,观察大鼠对金氏痔疮膏直肠给药的毒性反应。
Conclusion Rectal administration of morphine hydrochloric sustained release combining with indomethacin is a kind of analgesia with good effect and low side effects. 结论盐酸吗啡缓释片联合消炎痛栓直肠给药是一种镇痛效果好、肠功能恢复快的镇痛方式。
Methods: The sublingual medication for the care of 36 infants with seizure was compared with venous injection and rectal perfusion in time of preparation, antispasmodic duration, total therapeutic time and success rate of single administration. 方法:以静脉推注和直肠灌注为对照,对36例惊厥患儿在治疗准备时间、止痉时间、治疗总时间及一次给药成功率上进行比较。
Conclusion: Rectal administration of MST has remarkable efficacy in cancer pain relief, especially for those cancer of late stage patients to whom oral administration is not available. 结论:MST直肠给药具有良好镇痛效果,尤其适合于不能口服给药的晚期癌症患者。
Conclusions Rectal administration of diclofenac sodium suppository is a simple and effective means for postoperative analgesia following cesarean under local anesthetic. 结论双氯芬酸钠栓直肠给药可作为局麻下剖宫产术后一种简单、有效、行之方便的镇痛方法。
Observation on rectal administration of indomethacin in treating postoperative pain of urologic system 消炎痛栓直肠给药对泌尿系术后镇痛效果的观察
METHODS? To observe the antalgic effect and side effects of morphine sulphate controlled release tablets by rectal administration with 30? mg per 12 hour in the patients with cancer pain. [方法]选择30例几种中、重度癌症疼痛病人,将硫酸吗啡控释片30mg,每12h1次直肠给药,观察其镇痛效果及副作用。
Rectal administration of indometacin in treating abdominal postoperative pain in 120 patients 吲哚美辛直肠给药治疗腹部手术后疼痛120例
Rectal administration No bleeding, anastomotic leakage and perianal infection were found after operation. 术后无吻合口出血、吻合口漏和直肠周围感染;
Observation of Therapeutic Effect of Rectal Administration of Antimicrobials on Bacterial Dysentery 抗菌药灌肠治疗细菌性痢疾疗效观察
Intrathecal pretreatment with three doses of diazepam suppressed the visceral pain responses induced by formalin and the analgesic action of diazepam was mainly within 0~ 60 min after the rectal administration of formalin. 鞘内预先注入三个剂量的地西泮均可抑制甲醛刺激大鼠直肠诱发的内脏痛,镇痛作用主要集中在甲醛刺激直肠后的0~60min。
Efficacy of Rectal Administration of Controlled-release Morphine Sulfate for Treatment of Cancer Pain 硫酸吗啡控释片直肠给药控制癌痛疗效观察
Rectal administration comparison and evaluation of LDH Isozymes between papillocarcinoma and adjacent tissues of rectum 直肠乳头状腺癌及癌旁粘膜乳酸脱氢酶同工酶谱的比较研究
AIM: To investigate the effect of rectal administration of morphine hydrochloride ( slow release tablet) in significantly relieving cancer pain of patients with gynecologic tumors, and the impact of pain relief on the ability of activities and quality of life ( QOL) in patients. 目的:探讨使用盐酸吗啡缓释片直肠给药方式对妇科肿瘤患者癌痛的有效缓解以及对患者的活动能力和生活质量的影响。
Hope that low back pain in the suppository doses of mouse models of chemical nerve root inflammation rectal administration for 7 days after the CD62p expression of a significant effect on low back pain Ling Shuan high-and low-dose group and the control group compared difference was not significant. 表明腰痛灵栓中剂量对小鼠化学神经根炎模型直肠给药治疗7天后CD62p的表达有明显影响,腰痛灵栓高、低剂量组与模型对照组比较差异无显著意义。